Current Students
Julia Raskin
Julia graduated from Oberlin College in Ohio where she studied Environmental Studies and Hispanic Studies. She just completed a dual-degree masters at the School of Natural Resources and the Environment and at the Taubman School of Architecture and Urban Planning. This past year she continued her summer research with Landscape Architecture professor Joan Nassauer on a study examining the physical characteristics of vacant land in Detroit, and how these traits may affect residents and neighborhood perceptions. She hopes to work on problems of environmental injustice in urban settings.
Laura Matson
Laura Matson is interested in environmental justice, community participation, and urban sustainability, particularly in the Midwest. She just completed her dual masters, during which she was the Sustainability Fellow for Michigan Green Communities, a state-wide network of local governments working together to advance sustainability. Prior to enrolling at U-M, Laura led a collaborative effort to develop a comprehensive rating system for measuring and benchmarking university sustainability performance for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). In addition, she previously worked on research and outreach programs for the City of Portland, Oregon’s Office of Sustainable Development. Laura received a B.A. in economics from Lewis & Clark College. Laura loves culinary experiments, family badminton tournaments, singing along with the radio, and the great state of Minnesota.
Parrish Bergquist
Parrish just completed her dual masters. She is interested in promoting smart growth—urban planning policies that improve people’s quality of life while protecting natural resources. During 2011 and 2012, she tackled this goal from the transportation sector as an intern with the City of Ann Arbor’s non-motorized transportation program. During summer, 2012, she worked as a fellow with the National Association of Development Organizations, conducting research on rural communities’ use of smart growth strategies around the country. Parrish’s Master’s Project addressed the capacity of Great Lakes cities to adapt to climate change. Before beginning her studies at SNRE, she graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in English and American Studies. She then served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras and worked with the Federal Trade Commission’s Office of International Affairs. Parrish will enroll this fall to work on her PhD in urban and regional planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jen Kullgren
Jen just completed her dual masters. She is interested in sustainable communities, green building, and education. She recently completed an internship with the City of Ann Arbor, focusing on urban forestry. She finished her Master’s project looking at climate adaptation in Great Lakes cities. She has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from the University of Michigan. She also enjoys many outdoor activities including biking, skiing, and camping.
Anne Shishkovsky
Anne just completed her dual Masters. She is interested in promoting more sustainable cities through energy efficiency and green infrastructure. This year she completed her Master’s project that analyzed energy use at Yellowstone National Park. She spent the summer working for the City of Ann Arbor on a project to make rental housing more energy efficient. She received a B.S. in architecture from Lawrence Tech University in 2004. Before coming to graduate school she worked in the fields of both architecture and engineering. When not at school she can be found hiking around Ann Arbor.
Ashlee Jensen
Ashlee is passionate about helping cities adapt to the impacts of climate change through the integration of the built environment and the natural environment. Her interests include natural corridors within urban settings, water management systems and urban renewal. Ashlee’s love for urban centers stems from the time she spent exploring New York City as an undergraduate at New York University. After she received her B.A. degree in Sociology, Ashlee headed west to Oakland, California where she was reminded of her other great passion: nature. Her appreciation grew as she explored the many national parks the West has to offer and was strengthened by the work she did helping build an environmental nonprofit that focused on climate change awareness. Since arriving at the University of Michigan, Ashlee has worked for the Graham Institute conducting a process evaluation of the University of Michigan’s 2010-2011 Campus Sustainability Integrated Assessment. This research has provided Ashlee with keen insights and a nuanced understanding of how to implement complex, multi-stakeholder projects. This work will undoubtedly prove useful in her future career working in urban center. Ashlee was recently named a 2012-2013 Margaret Dow Towsley Scholar by the Center for the Education of Women.
Brian Smyzer
Brian is interested in energy development and sustainability in developing countries. He is SNRE’s first Peace Corps Master’s International program student, combining dual Masters studies in Sustainable Systems and Urban Planning with service in Malawi from February 2010-April 2012. His work focused on piloting a business mechanism to expand the adoption of efficient cookstoves in rural Malawi through local enterprise. Brian also led an interagency diplomatic effort, including the State Department, Peace Corps and the Forest Service, that secured the Government of Malawi’s partnership with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and its commitment to addressing cooking practices as major energy security and public health priorities. In the United States, he designed strategic plans for PPL Electric Utilities’ energy efficiency programs targeting low income, multifamily developments. With experience working on energy projects domestically and abroad for both industry and government, Brian’s studies have focused on international energy and sustainability challenges and the innovative entrepreneurial, technical and political interventions that address them. A LEED Accredited Professional, Brian received a B.S. in Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Energy and a second major in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He enjoys include tennis, basketball, wallyball, dogs and visiting dynamic cities.